If you have a new blog or you have a website that isn't being crawled by any given search engine, then you should go line by line and submit your blog to all these crawlers. By having your website submitted to various search engines, you give your blog an opportunity to be reached by a wider audience. In doing so, you will increase your traffic in the long run all for free.

Please Note: It may take several days for your webpage to be crawled by these search engines. Generally speaking, over time, most large search engines will automatically crawl your webpage if your site isn't blacklisted. By submitting your site, this will accelerate this process to the big search engines and to smaller ones that don't have the capacity of crawling your blog. 
  • Google- No one can doubt Google's power. In fact, expect most of your traffic from your blog to come from this search engine gulliah. Google usually crawls the fastest out of all the search engines. Submitting your site to Google does not require registration.
  • Bing- Bing is the third most used search engine in the United States. From personal experiences, Bing's search engine tends not to crawl newer sites as quick as Google. Submitting your page to Bing does not require registration.
  • Yahoo- Yahoo was once the search engine giant google looked up to. Even though it's been on a slow decline, it's still the second largest search engine on the net. You have to sign in to your Yahoo account in order to complete your submission of your webpage.
  • Baidu- with 1.3 billion people living in China, ignoring the largest Chinese search engine isn't the wisest of ideas. For your convenience, I've already added Google's translate function with this Baidu website submit link.
  • Yandex- Yandex is Russia's largest search engine and the eight largest search engine world-wide. You do need to register.
  • Cuil- Cuil claims to have the most indexed web pages on the internet. Launched in 2008 by ex-Google staffers, this search engine is surely here to stay.
  • Duckduckgo- with nearly 200,000 visitors a month, this new and increasingly growing search engine certainly can take a few seconds of your time to submit your site to it.
  • Secret Search Engine Labs- Secret Search Engine gives smaller sites the same opportunity and importance as larger, more established sites that Google and other massive search engines put an importance on.
  • Exalead- This European based search engine has been around since 2000 and is growing in numbers.
  • Anoox- Anoox claims is a community based search engine where the people will decide the ranking of any particular webpage.
  • InfoTiger- A small but growing search engine.
  • ScrubTheWeb- ScrubTheWeb is a descent sized search engine. They do require you to give your email in order for your website to be crawled. I encourage you not to put in a fake email address because you have to click on an activation key that will be sent to your email before they will except your website to be submitted.
  • Acoon- Acoon is an up-and-coming German search engine.
  • GhetoSearch- The name says it all. It's not really a large search engine, nor is it frequented but the objective is to cover as many as you can. Just because you don't use it does not mean other folks searching the net wont.
  • ActiveSearchResults- Not so great search engine but still worth submitting taken the 10 seconds to submitting your site to it.

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